We meet a lot of attorneys at conferences and networking events. Of course, the topic of their firms’ websites always comes up. The most common reaction we hear from lawyers is “I have a website but it could be better.” After digging a little deeper, we often find out why it could be better. Often the graphics just aren’t great, the content was never completed, the site is outdated or it looks nice but it just isn’t bringing in business. In an effort to help attorneys better understand the potential of their marketing efforts, we’re pleased to offer free, no-obligation website assessments.
No to be confused with the “website graders” that many companies use as a sales tactic to show you just how terrible your firm’s site is, our website assessment is performed by a real live human, a member of our team. Carefully reviewing the site with an expert eye, an Amicus Creative Guru will assess your site’s graphics, content, call to action, and SEO. They will also closely examine your messaging to ensure that it effectively resonates with your target audience.
At the conclusion of the assessment, we will send you a concise report with some key takeaways and suggestions for improvement. The report won’t be 40 pages long and include overwhelming explanations loaded with technical terms you can’t understand. As with all services we provide, we believe in speaking your language so you can take control of your online marketing strategies and take your practice to the next level.
To get started with the assessment, complete this simple online form.