To launch an effective online marketing campaign in the year ahead, you need to ensure that you are familiar with the various marketing tools and online resources in your arsenal, especially if you haven’t used these systems in some time. Over the next few days, take the following steps so you’re well-prepared to kick off a dynamic marketing campaign in 2014:
- Domain Name Control
A domain name is a critical component of your firm’s website, but far too often firms are confused when it comes to who owns and controls this piece of the website puzzle. Take a few minutes to determine where exactly your domain is registered, and make certain that all of the registration details are current (and that your contact information, and not your web host, is listed as the registrant and administrative contact). If you need to look this up, simply visit where you can do a search for your domain. Once you’ve identified your registrar, ensure that you are able to log into the control panel to make changes. Also, take a few moments to determine where your website is hosted, since this is likely different from your registrar.
- Content Management System
With your firm’s website serving as the focal point for you online marketing strategy, it’s imperative that you be able to make frequent changes to your site. Over the next few days, carve out some time to re-explore your content management system, and practice adding new content and editing information on the site. In reviewing this tool, you’ll likely be inspired with a few new ideas.
- Social Media Accounts
In the world of social media, nothing stays stagnant. If you follow the news, you hear regular stories of various enhancements that are being made on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. If it’s been some time since you logged in, you likely have a lot of catching up to do. To make things a bit more efficient when it comes to managing multiple social media accounts, consider learning about a social media management tool like Hootsuite where you can add RSS feeds for automatic content syndication and manage all of your accounts from one easy-to-use control panel.
By familiarizing yourself with these various tools now, you can ensure that your skill set is up to date when you’re ready to get going with your new marketing strategies, and save yourself the frustration of having to figure it all out once business picks up again in the New Year!