Many of your prospective clients are embarrassed of the situation they find themselves in. Rather than turn to friends or family members for recommendations, they often turn to the web for guidance on selecting an attorney. By having a website stocked with quality content which speaks to their unique needs, you can deliver value while showcasing your expertise. At Zola Creative, we understand the importance of a comprehensive content-focused marketing strategy for criminal defense attorneys and we make it easy to create a website with high-quality information. We offer all clients complete access to our practice area library which features content on dozens of legal matters, including:
- Criminal Defense Overview
- Burglary
- White Collar Crimes
- Drug Crimes
- DWI/DUI Defense
- Felonies
- Homicide
- Misdemeanor Criminal Defense
- Sex Offenses and Rape
For bilingual law practices, we offer much of this content in Spanish too so you can more effectively market to the Hispanic community in your area. All of these pages can be easily edited to make the information more specific to your jurisdiction or your unique practice. If you prefer to have personalized content prepared for your firm, we offer custom authoring solutions to ensure all copy is tailored to meet your needs and preferences.
Tools Designed to Get Visitors Off of Your Site and Into Your Office
As a criminal defense attorney, you need a website that facilitates easy contact with your firm. At Zola Creative, we have designed user-friendly tools that do just that. And they are built right into our content management system, meaning you won’t have to rely on third-parties plug-ins or log into multiple programs to manage your marketing efforts. Our comprehensive marketing system boasts the following great features:
Click to Call Technology
The less work site visitors have to do to contact your firm, the better. Our advanced Click-to-Call technology makes that first call even easier. A visitor simply enters their phone number on the site and a call is automatically configured between your office and the interested party. Law firms who utilize this feature report a noticeable increase in the volume of calls received from their websites.
Online Consultation Request
Many visitors come to your website on weekends or during the evening hours when your office is closed. Do you have a way for them to schedule an initial consultation with your firm and ensure that you don’t miss out on any new business opportunities? Our online consultation request allows your firm to collect these leads around the clock. All submissions are emailed to the firm, and also stored in the Site Manager with advanced visitor tracking information, allowing you to follow-up with the visitor right away.
Special Reports Visitors
This Zola Creative feature allows firms to post white papers or informational articles for site visitors. Prior to viewing the entire report, prospects and clients must first enter in some basic contact details at which point the report becomes immediately accessible. This allows attorneys to follow up with all interested parties.
Newsletter Management System
The Zola Creative Newsletter Management System makes it a breeze to send professional newsletters and email notices to colleagues and clients. A website visitor can easily subscribe to your e-newsletter by simply submitting his email address on your site. This is a great tool for prospective clients who are not yet ready to schedule an initial consultation but still want to receive more information and updates from your firm.