There is a lot that goes into effectively marketing your firm on the web. If you’re like many attorneys, you likely find yourself using a hodgepodge of applications and software providers to manage it all. Every day, we hear from firms whose marketing “tool kit” consists of:
- A content management system that allows them to make changes to their website
- A newsletter system like MailChimp or Constant Contact that allows the firm to send out monthly e-blasts
- A separate WordPress account to help manage the firm’s standalone blog
- A form generation tool and back-end database that stores contact inquiries through the website
- An Analytics account that must be frequently reviewed to see where leads are coming from
- An event management system that allows the firm to host events and have individuals register online
Each of these services can come with their own monthly subscription fee and a steep learning curve for staff members who have to master very different marketing platforms, and somehow get them to work together.
At Amicus Creative Media, we’ve streamlined online marketing for law firms combining all of the necessary tools into one central control panel – our Site Manager. Not only can you manage your website and integrated blog from one location (with a single easy to use interface), you can also send e-newsletters to thousands of contacts, post events, review all contact inquiries to your site and even discover how people arrived at your site through our industry-leading Smart Submissions feature.
And while you can do this all on your end, this integrations means you’ll have a single point of contact for all of your online marketing needs. Our support team is always available to answer any questions you may have and serve as an ongoing resource to propel your practice, saving you time, money and a ton of frustration.